Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review for Reckoning (Strange Angels #5) by Lili St. Crow

Reckoning (Strange Angels, #5)

Reckoning by Lili St. Crow

Nobody expected Dru Anderson to survive this long. Not Graves. Not Christophe. Not even Dru. She's battled killer zombies, jealousdjamphirs, and bloodthirsty suckers straight out of her worst nightmares. But now that Dru has bloomed into a full-fledged svetocha - rare, beautiful, and toxic to all vampires - the worst is yet to come.

Because getting out alive is going to cost more than she's ever imagined. And in the end, is survival really worth the sacrifice?

**Spoilers are in white (scroll over to reveal text) Though I try very hard to not spoil Reckoning at all, there may be spoilers for prior novels in the series.**


When it comes to action, Lili St. Crow definitely doesn’t disappoint. So many times, I was left holding my breath in anticipation as the scenes played out. I even found myself screaming as Dru as I would if I was watching a horror movie. I will say I’m glad Dru cannot hear me because the things I was screaming would have probably gotten her killed. 

That being said, I didn’t care for the romance (or what was there of it.) In YA or adult, I understand that sometimes circumstances present themselves where a character is unsure who she/he truly loves. I will deal with this for awhile, giving the heroine time to determine where her true feelings lie. 

I feel like the author chose to end the series without any closure to the love triangle as to make a bold move in YA, which almost always has a happily ever after. However, if you paid attention to the book, did Dru not choose? I think she most definitely did. Throughout the entire series, Dru always went back to one guy despite the influences of the other.

I won’t say who I think Dru chooses because this book technically isn’t supposes to be out yet. I can’t be giving spoilers out. Geesh.
I hope their is a short story or novella...anything to wrap up the few lose ends. Seriously, I spent five books waiting for the epic reveal of Dru's real name and BAM nothing. What?! (spoiler)

I give Reckoning by Lili St. Crow 4/5 stars because even though I found this book to be very interesting, some parts left me wondering why things happened as they did. 

I originally posted this review on October 29, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Storm Born 3 isn't out yet but I will review 4 soon. Thanks for stopping by I'm following you and good luck. If you love graphic novels let Sea Lion Books know and maybe you can review for them also. Check out goodreads for a link. Have fun with your blog.
